Let Me Be Frank… busy

“I know all the things you do. I have seen your hard work and your patient endurance. I know you don’t tolerate evil people. You have examined the claims of those who say they are apostles but are not. You have discovered they are liars. You have patiently suffered for me without quitting.
Revelation 2:2-3

Marea noticed a bumper sticker this week that said, “Jesus is coming!  Look busy!”  Pretty timely because there’s been a lot of buzz surrounding the end of days the last couple of weeks.  We chuckled and then I thought, “Does He really want us busy?  And, if He does, busy doing what exactly?”
The book of Revelation starts with seven letters to seven churches.  Revelation 2 begins with a letter to the church in Ephesus.  It’s a glowing commendation and the Lord is pleased with all their hard work.  They’ve checked all the boxes, and I can only imagine their smiles as they read.  And then… “but I have this complaint against you…”
Talk about taking the wind out of their sails.  Why would He have a complaint?  Their résumé is exemplary! 
“But I have this complaint against you. You don’t love me or each other as you did at first! Look how far you have fallen! Turn back to me and do the works you did at first. 
If the devil will not make us bad, he will make us busy.
Corrie Ten Boom
Jesus is coming!  Sit down.  At least that’s what Mary did in Luke 10:38-42.  She took the time to listen and learn.  There will always be much to do, but the church in Ephesus was doing SO MUCH they forgot why.  They didn’t love or honor Jesus in the way they did at the beginning.  Their hearts were distracted by service.  Service isn’t bad… we should set our hands to Kingdom work… but when our work comes at the expense of resting in Him, it’s no good. 
Also, if God knows everything, I’m pretty sure He knows if you’re just acting busy.  I said this past week, “What you believe changes your heart.”  When He has your heart, He will have your hands too.  The stuff of earth will always compete for your attention, make space for Jesus.  Live in the light of the resurrection and keep Him as the center point in your life. 
May we be aware of His Presence.
Soli Deo Gloria!
F –

Something Don’d on Me! compassion

Ephesians 4:32-“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

Dietrich Bonhoeffer once said: “We must learn to regard people less in the light of what they do or omit to do, and more in the light of what they suffer.” Compassion is the bridge that allows us to see ourselves in each other. In the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37), we encounter three travelers on this perilous road. Two, a priest and a Levite, see the wounded man but continue on their way. Their reasons might seem valid—religious restrictions, a tight schedule. But their actions reveal a deeper truth: they’ve chosen a comfortable distance from suffering.

Then comes the Samaritan. Unlike the others, he doesn’t just see the man; he is moved with compassion. The word itself is a tapestry woven from two threads: “com” meaning with, and “passion” meaning to suffer. Compassion is to enter into another’s pain, to feel it alongside them.

The Samaritan’s journey, and his own schedule and agenda, becomes less important than the suffering stranger. He takes a detour, a willing disruption in his plans. This detour is a powerful metaphor for compassion. It reminds us that true love often requires us to veer off course, to step outside our agendas and routines.

Here’s a tough question: Have you and I made life choices that keep us at a safe distance from the pain of others? Busyness, social circles, even religious obligations can create a comfortable numbness to the suffering around us. We become experts at “seeing” without truly seeing, missing the vulnerability that connects us all.

The Samaritan “came up to him.” This simple act speaks volumes. Proximity allows him to see the man not just as a victim, but as a whole person—wounded, yes, but deserving of care.Perhaps in that moment, the Samaritan recognizes a reflection of himself. He, too, knows what it means to be ostracized, to be on the margins.

Compassion, at its core, is about this recognition. It’s the spark of empathy that ignites when we see a piece of ourselves in another’s struggle. The brokenness we witness might be theirs today, but it could be ours tomorrow. Compassion, then, is not a “duty” or a “requirement” to get my “Heaven Entrance Card.” Rather, it is the EXPRESSION of Christ living WITHIN you and me! When we are LOOKING for others and how we can encourage, we are seeing the echo of God within each of us!

To whom can you show COMPASSION this week?? Many of you may be thinking of a name right now. Others might be thinking of those people with the cardboard “Need Help” signs that sit on the corner of the Farmer’s Country Market parking lot. Either way…can you INTENTIONALLY PLAN to show compassion this week? Can you LOOK for places to pour out His Love??

THAT is the mark of a Vibrant Church-one that searches for the “left outs” and make them the “welcome invitees!” May that be our calling this week: To HAVE COMPASSION on one another!

Shalom, Don

Let Me Be Frank… the reflex

17 Pray without ceasing.
1 Thessalonians 5:17

Reflex – something that you do automatically and without thinking, as a habit or as a reaction to something.
Why do we yawn?  According to a NY Times article, “Until about 30 years ago, scientists explained yawning as a way for the body to take in a large amount of air in order to increase oxygen levels in the blood in response to oxygen deprivation.”  Studies in 1987 disproved that hypothesis, but we still don’t really know.  There are rabbit trails to be had here, my friends.  Feel free to explore the possibilities of why we yawn.
How about contagious yawning?  You see someone yawn in a public place and you do the same.  Pretty soon everyone seems to be yawning, one after another.  This is from Medical News Today, “One of the most common theories is that contagious yawning is a sign of empathy for others. Seeing a person yawn may cause the viewer to yawn, especially if they are close to or comfortable with that person.”
Empathy.  Compassion.  Kindness is contagious.  So is anger, sometimes.
What happens when things aren’t going your way?  One thing after another and you’re praying for something, anything to change.  All you need is a win.  What’s your reflex – the thing you do automatically and without thinking?  What’s mine?  I hate to say it, but it’s probably not empathy or peace for me.
How does that change?  Thessalonica was a prominent city in Macedonia.  Paul and Silas went there to preach and after three weeks, Thessalonian Jews formed a mob to run them out of town.  There were a few that believed – and that started the church.  The mob followed them to Berea and tried to stir up trouble there.  That must have been hard for Paul.  He wanted to stay longer to minister.  His final instructions in his first letter are a handbook of living in hostility, extending compassion, and relying on God.
Our reflex may be automatic, but I believe we can change it.  How do we do that?  Let me sum up Paul’s final thoughts in that letter.
Rejoice always.  Pray without ceasing.  Give thanks.  REPEAT
We can make a change.  The road may be difficult, but we do not walk alone.  A dear friend of mine struggles with anger (so do I).  He’s different now.  It’s because of Jesus.  Be honest with yourself… how’s your headspace?  How’s your heart?  What’s your reflex?  Eyes on Jesus.  Rejoice, pray, give thanks.  REPEAT
May we be aware of His Presence.
Soli Deo Gloria!
F –

Something Don’d on Me! identity

I Peter 3:15 – “But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.”

The Pageantry. The Passion. The Performances. The Masters! Every year, CBS runs promos for this illustrious golf tournament at Augusta National in Georgia. The voice of Verne Lundquist (sadly retiring this year), the images of Arnold Palmer or Jack Nicklaus from previous years…all of it is amazing! I don’t WATCH golf much, but I love seeing THIS tourney…mainly to see all of those glorious GREEN fairways, majestic trees, & NO WIND!

This year, I tuned in on Sunday (to see all that luscious green) and watched for a little while. I had to go get some work done at the office, so I left and didn’t get to see the finish. But I DID get to hear the interview with the winner on the radio on the drive home. After what I heard, I immediately went home and watched the “Green Jacket” ceremony!

The winner this year – Scottie Scheffler – is currently ranked #1 in the world! This is his SECOND Master’s win in 3 years! He is on fire, and he is seemingly well-liked by all his peers. Comparisons to Tiger Woods and Jack Nicklaus are thrown around often, and he just seems to keep his ego in check. But it is what happened this PAST Sunday, that made me sit up and take notice.

After the “Green Jacket” ceremony, there was a press conference. Most of the questions are from sports reporters that ask about what type of club he used here and what was he thinking on this part of the course. But when one of the reporters asked about his identity (Like who does he feel he is as a golfer) his response was monumental! Check it out here:
 “That’s a really good question. I was sitting around with my buddies this morning, I was a bit overwhelmed, I told them, I wish I didn’t want to win as badly as did I or as badly as I do,” Scheffler said. “But I love winning. I hate losing. I really do. And when you’re here in the biggest moments, when I’m sitting there with the lead on Sunday, I really, really want to win badly. And my buddies told me this morning, my victory was secure on the cross. And that’s a pretty special feeling to know that I’m secure for forever, and it doesn’t matter if I win this tournament or lose this tournament. My identity is secure for forever.”

The reporters then asked him about his faith and how he uses it on the course:
I have been given a gift of this talent, and I use it for God’s glory. That’s pretty much it,” Scheffler said. “So, when I’m out there, I try to compete to the best of my abilities. Like I said, I really want to win. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that either. At the end of the day, like I said, my identity is secure already, and I get to come out here and compete, have fun, enjoy it; and then at the end of the day, win or lose, my identity is secure.”

Some might say I like his statements because I’m a Christian (and that’s not wrong!) but why I REALLY like it, is that Scottie LIVED OUT that verse above from 1 Peter. He spoke about his HOPE! He had an answer for WHY he lives with that hope! And he did it with gentleness and respect!!

It may not be as big as the Masters Tournament…but it can be EQUALLY AS EFFECTIVE! Be READY to talk! Be ready to give that answer for why Hope matters to us and why we live differently! And do it kindly-not beating people up with the Bible!

When we live out L1 & L2, we WILL change our community! And THAT is what we are called to do! Now if you’ll excuse me, I feel inspired to head to the driving range!

Shalom – May HIS PEACE and HIS HOPE Fill You This Day!

Let Me Be Frank… seek the Lord

6“Seek the Lord while He may be found;
    call upon Him while He is near”
Isaiah 55:6

It’s the dawning of a new day!  It’s the beginning of a new year!  Opportunities abound and the promise of a reset fills our hearts with hope.  So, what sets this year apart from the rest?  What matters most?  Where should we start?

“Seek the Lord while He may be found.”  The Lord is not hard to find.  Ever present, He is both intensely powerful and intimately personal.  The King of Glory wants relationship with His people, but sometimes He takes a backseat to everything else in our lives.  God is still there, but we stop looking.  Other things come to try and fill the void in our hearts, but they won’t satisfy. 

When the Lord begins to fade from our thoughts what are we to do? 

  • Daily Bible reading plan via YouVersion
  • Worship playlists (I’m listening to a Jeremy Riddle album right now)
  • Prayer requests, a gratitude journal, and specific times of prayer.  (Coffee with a friend will NOT happen if you don’t schedule it.  Scheduled prayer and quiet time creates routine and routine creates consistency.)
  • Connection with others – Do you have people that really KNOW you?  Do they hold you accountable?  Do you ask for prayer, or do you try to handle it in your own?  We are NOT meant to live in isolation.  We need each other.

“Call on Him while He is near.”  This is more about Presence and less about proximity.  He is always near (proximity), but we may not always be aware of His Presence.  Life will threaten to numb our hearts to Holy Spirit.  We are overwhelmed with information situations.  Our hearts race as anxiety sets in.  There are triggers for all that, but one thing I have found to calm my spirit is take life slowly. 

In “The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry” John Mark Comer writes, “To restate – love, joy, and peace are at the heart of all Jesus is trying to grow in the soil of your life. And all three are incompatible with hurry.”

What is God trying to grow in the soil of your life?  Here are some of the things I believe He is saying to me in this season. 

Live life on purpose.  Be intentional with your time.  Be proactive, not reactive.  Think of others often.  Don’t take what you have for granted.  There will never be enough time.  Spend it wisely.

I encourage you to spend the month of January trying to answer this question…  What is God trying to grow in the soil of your life?

He is near.  May we be aware of His Presence.
Soli Deo Gloria!
F –

Something Don’d on Me! new year

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.  Joshua 1:9

So, did you stay up to watch the “Ball Drop” in New York City?? I must confess…I did not. I preferred to ring in the new year with friends across the Pond! (Transparency: I did not GO to England or France…I just celebrated the new year when they did…about 8:00pm our time!) I’m not much of a “Night Owl” these days and Midnight just seems so far away!

I did however watch a news story on the famous gathering at Times Square in New York. Did you know that people start lining up at LEAST 24 hours before so they can have the front row when the countdown begins? And here’s a fun fact: You are not allowed to bring chairs, food, or blankets to mark out territory! That means you have to STAND up for all that time!! PLUS, you can’t bring food, so you have to have someone go get it, so you don’t lose your place…and where are the bathrooms for 250,000 people?? I’ve never really wanted to see that event…but after that news story, I have ZERO desire to go!

Why has this nonevent turned into a huge, money-making holiday? Most other holidays celebrate a reputable person, famous birthdays, document signings, or a noted event. But New Year’s Eve only celebrates the passage of time—something that most of us would rather not recognize. We make a huge deal out of it because it signals the end of an old era and the start of a new one. The old year’s problems, heartaches, and struggles seem to vanish and become a faded memory when we think of getting the chance of a new year and a new start. We make plans to head to the gym, to diet better, to read more, to fold that pile of laundry that never seems to get done!

I wonder if the Israelites had any similar feelings when they stood with Joshua looking forward to a new era ahead of them. They had wandered for 40 years in the desert, and finally they could see land flowing with milk and honey ahead. Better yet, they had God’s promise that He would never leave or forsake them. Did they make “resolutions”? They had PLENTY of problems and heartaches to leave behind…DID THEY? They had an opportunity to see the GREATNESS that was ahead of them…DID THEY?

As you stand with your back to the old year and look forward to the new one, you can have hope in the promises of God. But here’s the real question: WILL YOU? Now that the Ball has dropped, the Calendar has turned and it’s time to get on with the business of 2024, will you walk in the PROMISES of GOD?

We are starting a new season at Central with a theme: ANOTHERING! We are going to look at the “One Another” passages in the Bible (there’s 59 of them!!) and how they APPLY to the work of the Church in His Kingdom! Will you look into the “Land of Enchantment” with us and how we can see God’s Promises at Work??

Andy Stanley wrote, “The primary activity of the Church was one-anothering one another!” Let that be our mantra as we step into 2024! May we care SO MUCH for the neighbors around us that they HAVE to see God and glorify Him! May we “encourage one another daily” (Hebrews 10:24), may we “Carry each other’s burdens” (Galatians 6:2), may we “Live in harmony with one another” (I Peter 3:8), and may we truly “love one another” (I John 3:11)!

And may 2024 bring us a great awareness of EACH OTHER and how powerful the work of “Anothering” can be! “The Lord our God will be with us wherever we go!” (Joshua 1:9)

May Peace Be Upon Your Home and Your Heart in 2024 – Shalom Alachiem

Something Don’d on Me! examine words

“Now these Jews from Berea were more noble than those in Thessalonica; they received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so.” Acts 17:11

Big kudos to Alex Juarez who caught my TYPO in the Sunday Sheet this week! Apparently, I was in a big hurry to send it in to Candace and my fat fingers made a mistake…have you caught it yet? Go turn to the Scriptures and tell me what you see! (Hint: Paul’s letter to the Church in Rome was NOT that long!) Yep…that was supposed to be Romans 12:4-5!

I know it’s not really a big deal…I wasn’t trying to re-write Scripture or teach a “New Gospel”…I just made a typing error. But I’ve pondered about it for a couple of days now. Alex practiced an ancient tradition that the Bereans were COMMENDED for doing: EXAMINING THE WORDS! We often say we are a “Bible Believing and Bible USING” Church…we want our Bibles OPEN and looking at what the writers said in context so that we can follow the Teachings of Jesus as completely and correctly as possible. DON’T TAKE MY WORD FOR IT…we ALL need to look and make our understanding complete!
Thank you for practicing grace to me because Almighty God knows that I do NOT know it all! We really are learning TOGETHER!!

As we continue to dive into this word and theme for our year: ANOTHERING, I’m challenged at how MUCH we need to be “People of the Word” (Last year’s theme) and how we need to show that GRACE to others! Charles Spurgeon was once having a tough day-he said he came home discouraged, weary & depressed…when a verse flashed in his mind: “My Grace is sufficient for thee!” (2 Cor. 12:8) He said he started laughing and said out loud, “Of COURSE, it IS sufficient for me!” He went on to share this: “His Grace is so strong that it shall never run out! It was as though some little fish, being very thirsty, was troubled about drinking the river dry, and the Father of the River said; “Drink away, little fish, my stream is sufficient for you!” Or as if a little mouse in the granaries of Egypt, after 7 years of plenty, feared he would eat it all up, and Joseph came in to say, “Cheer up, little mouse-my granaries are sufficient for you!”

Part of ANOTHERING is going to be diving DEEP into the GRACE that Yahweh gives to us! And because that VAST OCEAN OF GRACE has been opened to you and me…then we need to SHARE that grace with one another!We are going to look at another passage this week: “Carry one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the Law of Christ.” (Gal. 6:2) SPOILER ALERT…it’s not as easy as just “saying” I care…it’s being Jesus to someone! Even KidZone will be looking at “Carrying each other” this week…and Kidzone will be in action on SATURDAY AND SUNDAY!

THERE’S A PLACE FOR YOU HERE AT CENTRAL! Maybe you are here every week…maybe you haven’t been in a while-doesn’t matter, you are WELCOME and WANTED here! And you are valuable to God! May we look to Jesus as the one that perfects our faith, and may we link arms with one another as this new year continues!

God Bless You All- May HIS PEACE Be Upon Your Home and Heart!
(And keep your Bible and your Sunday Sheet OPEN!)

Let Me Be Frank – anothering

24 Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works.
Hebrews 10:24

“I’m with you.”  No matter where we end up, no matter what comes next, I’m with you.  How comforting would that be to hear?  To know, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that you will not have to face today (or tomorrow) alone.
There are two sides to anothering.  One side is serving others.  No longer on the sidelines, we are called to volunteer, to encourage, to make meals, to ring bells, to work KidZone, and to use our talents and gifts to benefit the Body and glorify God in the process.  Serving is essential for anothering.
Side two is the journey.  Think of the term “doing life” with one another.  The Early Christians were an excellent example of this.  Sharing what they had, eating meals together, text threads… wait, how did that get in there?  You get the idea.
“I’m with you” is a great way to think of “doing life” with someone.  Where you go, I’ll go.  Need to talk?  I’m here.  Power tools?  I’ve got them.  Why are you upset?  Sit down and tell me.
I pray you are challenged by this series and the choices you make that bring you closer to or further away from others.  I pray that God will send someone to speak into your life in a powerful way, whether by example, relationship, or words.  I pray that Holy Spirit will move in your heart and illuminate opportunities for connection.
I worked with Alan Dodd for several years at PJHS.  I reconnected with him while Marea and I were at Victory Life.  I had the honor of playing at his wife’s funeral last year.  He was there with his newsie cap and bright smile, but there was a line of people that wanted to talk to him.  I left after playing… and had the honor of playing at his funeral this past Saturday.
I should have made time to see him that day.  If I knew he would pass a couple months later, I would have.  As humans we don’t have that luxury.  Anothering is more that getting in the game, it’s listening.  Who is Holy Spirit telling you to reach out to?  Haven’t heard from _________ in a while?  They haven’t heard from you either.  Send a text.
The old me would internalize guilt and wish for yesterday.  Nowadays, I’m trying something new.  I prayed for his family as I played piano.  I played all his favorite hymns, not as an attempt to make amends, but as a way to honor his well-lived life.  Life is too short for condemnation.
God is with you.  He is for you in every way imaginable.  He wants you to get where He wants you to go MORE than you want to get where He wants you to go!  How can you another?  What is God saying to you today?  Are you listening?  Every day is an opportunity and we’re in this together!
May we be aware of His Presence.
Soli Deo Gloria!
F –

Let Me Be Frank… wait on the Lord

14 Wait for the LORD; be strong, and let your heart take courage;
wait for the LORD!
Psalm 27:14

Does it take courage to manage this holiday season?  After all, the holidays can be difficult.  Trying to manage relationships.  Wishing there were more time.  An empty chair where a beloved member of the family sat.  Putting up ornaments as almost empty nesters.  Hoping your kids call and talk for just a little while.
When we think of courage, we may think of burning buildings, skydiving, or beating cancer.  “They are courageous… I don’t think I could do what they did.  I’m not that brave.”
In his book David and Goliath, Malcom Gladwell writes, “Courage is not something that you already have that makes you brave when the tough times start. Courage is what you earn when you’ve been through the tough times, and you discover they aren’t so tough after all.” 
I love the quote, but I want to add Jesus to it :0).  In The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, the crew is terrified as the Darkness looms.  Their ship moves closer and closer, and fear overtakes them.  Lucy hears the voice of Aslan.  He says, “Courage, dear heart” and that’s all she needed to hear.
Courage is what you earn when you go through hard times and come out the other side.  It’s built in the waiting.  The Hebrew word for wait is qāvâ.  It means to hope for, but it also means to bind together – like a rope.  As the rope twists and stretches, there is tension in the line.  This tension brings us to courage.  Waiting in the Lord and continuing to be faithful in the journey takes courage.  Praying in the darkness and waiting for an answer takes courage.  Finding joy in the little things while missing a huge part of your life takes courage.
Courage is what you earn, but when we wait for the Lord it’s God-given.  What we thought would destroy us, only strengthened our faith in Him.
So many years ago, Jesus was born.  Emmanuel – God with us.  Before He died and was resurrected, He told His buddies, “Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you.” (John 16:7)
Are you broken?  Take courage.  Are you overwhelmed?  Take courage.  Do you feel like you can’t go on?  Take courage. 
“Courage, dear heart.”  I pray those words ring in your soul this Christmas.  I pray that, in the waiting, you meet Holy Spirit in a powerful and illuminating way.  Emmanuel – God with us.  Wait on the Lord today and be strengthened in hope…  He is faithful. 
Soli Deo Gloria!
F –

Something Don’d on Me! truth

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind,” and “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Matt. 22:37, 39)  

Truth-in our society… that’s a loaded word! Culture has screamed out “My truth is better than YOUR truth! What’s true for me may or may not be true for you! It doesn’t matter…just be a good person!” Since Genesis 3, our enemy has twisted and corrupted God’s Word. He repackages it in a way that “sounds religious” but is-in essence-lies. And we know that because he is called the “Father of Lies”. Our TRUTH should be and MUST be anchored to God’s Word and HIS TRUTH!

But that’s hard when we are bombarded with information and images at a breakneck speed! It seems to come at us faster and faster…and makes it harder and harder to stay attached to HIS TRUTH! That’s why our focus here at Central all throughout this year has been “People of the Word!” From “What Jesus Said” to “Jesus Didn’t Say That” to “The Tabernacle” to “Choose Your King” to “This is the Way”…we’ve been trying to see that the Bible speaks ONE TRUTH: God’s Love for His People and that our HOPE is only found in HIM! As we see the finish line of 2023, I’m asking you to CONTINUE with us in this quest for Truth!

People of the Word know that we are being CHANGED DAILY to look more like HIM! Our affections have changed! Our priorities have changed! And if they HAVEN’T…then maybe we aren’t really being “People of the Word!”We talk a lot about L1 & L2 here: “Love God FIRST” and “Love Others SECOND”-and we will CONTINUE to talk about those 2 laws and how they impact us each day! THAT is TRUTH that we can hang on to and show out in our walk in this world each day!

In the face of cultural pressure to deny “truth” and just “go with the flow” or “be a good person”, we believe it is CRUCIALLY IMPORTANT to stand firm on HIS TRUTH in the face of these deceptions! It’s more than “God wants you rich and happy” or “God wants this political agenda”-it’s God wants hearts that are CHANGED so that they truly LOVE HIM FIRST and LOVE OTHERS compassionately and with fervor!

Let’s finish 2023 STRONG and focused on HIS TRUTH! Let’s live out L1 & L2 by loving people in our town, our coworkers, our family, our teachers, and those that are struggling with HIS TRUTH and HIS LOVE! And may we ALL be “People of HIS WORD!”

Shalom Alachiem, Don