Let Me Be Frank… friends

16 We know what real love is because Jesus gave up His life for us. So, we also ought to give up our lives for our brothers and sisters. 
1 John 3:16 (NLT)

We started watching season 2 of “The Chosen” at the beginning of the new year.  I love the way they take great care with Scripture.  When watching it is important to remember, this is a dramatization and not a documentary.  The humor of Jesus, the background characters, the dynamic between the disciples – all of it is shaped by the Word of God and the creative minds of the production team.  If you haven’t tuned in, I would recommend it.
Have you ever heard a quote that just takes the wind out of you?  A different way of looking at the world, a paradigm shift, that causes you to reflect on your own life and the way you interact with others?  There is a quote in Season 2, Episode 2 that did just that for me.  Jesus is speaking to Phillip as Phillip is apologizing for his lateness because he was with friends.
“If we don’t make time for friends, we won’t have any.”
When we think about the passage where it says, “lay down our lives” our thoughts turn to our first responders and those who serve in the military.  After all, they are running to the battle and willingly laying down their lives for others.  We thank you for your service and your compassion.
But what if “laying down our lives” for others looks more like taking a step away from what we are doing to make space to reach out to a friend that is hurting?  Jesus gave His life on the cross for us, but He also gave His life, His time, His energy to His closest friends and band of brothers on this earth.  He made them feel like they were the only person in the room.  Come to think of it, He made everyone feel that way.  Can you imagine time stopping as He looked into the eyes of the woman with a hemorrhage (Mark 5:25-34) and called her “daughter” as the crowds pressed in on every side?  Jesus made time for others.  He was not busy, He was intentional.
Do you make time for your friends?  Do you text them when they come to your mind?  Do you have enough space in your schedule to drop what you are doing if someone needs you?  I’m not talking everyone, I’m talking someone.  Family is family, but we choose our friends.  Do the ones you have chosen know how you feel about them?  “If we don’t make time for our friends, we won’t have any.”  Reach out to your friends today and encourage them in the name of Jesus!
Lord, thank you for my friends.  Thank you for my circle that You have blessed me with.  Bring them to mind, help me to remember to reach out, to encourage, and to let them know that I am here.  We are called to make a difference where we are… help me to start with those closest to me.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 
Soli Deo Gloria!
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