Mar 12, 2017
Victories 3-12-17
By: Don Thomas
Series: In Your Eyes
"And the people did what was right in their own eyes..." Join us as Pastor Don takes us on a journey through the book of Judges. "FAITH that is tested can be TRUSTED!" Things that are opposing your faith may be stronger than you, but they are not stronger than our GOD! This incredible Sunday time of worship includes words and music from our Central Wired Praise Team led by Don Thomas, and a communion meditation by Franklin Smith. Thanks for listening and… Shalom!
- Mar 12, 2017Victories 3-12-17
Mar 12, 2017Victories 3-12-17By: Don ThomasSeries: In Your Eyes"And the people did what was right in their own eyes..." Join us as Pastor Don takes us on a journey through the book of Judges. "FAITH that is tested can be TRUSTED!" Things that are opposing your faith may be stronger than you, but they are not stronger than our GOD! This incredible Sunday time of worship includes words and music from our Central Wired Praise Team led by Don Thomas, and a communion meditation by Franklin Smith. Thanks for listening and… Shalom!
- Mar 5, 20173-5-17 small can be BIG #inyoureyes
Mar 5, 20173-5-17 small can be BIG #inyoureyesBy: Don ThomasSeries: In Your Eyes"And the people did what was right in their own eyes..." Join us as Pastor Don takes us on a journey through the book of Judges. "God can use anyone... and you should be that anyone!" God equips you as He calls you! He is calling us to tasks beyond us! We must look beyond our circumstances to a God who makes us strong! This incredible Sunday time of worship includes words and music from our Central Wired Praise Team led by Don Thomas, and a communion meditation by John Bridges. Thanks for listening and… Shalom!
- Feb 26, 20172-26-17 God can use anything #inyoureyes
Feb 26, 20172-26-17 God can use anything #inyoureyesBy: Don ThomasSeries: In Your Eyes"And the people did what was right in their own eyes..." Join us as Pastor Don takes us on a journey through the book of Judges. "God can use anyone... and you should be that anyone!" Maybe the measure should be "are we changing lives?" Are we allowing God to work in us and through us to grow His Kingdom? This incredible Sunday time of worship includes words and music from our Central Wired Praise Team led by Franklin Smith, and a communion meditation by Glenn Johnson. Thanks for listening and… Shalom!
- Feb 19, 20172-19-17 REPENTANCE #inyoureyes
Feb 19, 20172-19-17 REPENTANCE #inyoureyesBy: Don ThomasSeries: In Your Eyes"And the people did what was right in their own eyes..." Join us as Pastor Don takes us on a journey through the book of Judges. "The sin that we don't conquer will conquer us!" We must remember that "maximum freedom is under the canopy of GOD'S CONTROL and LEADERSHIP!" Only He has the power to save us! This incredible Sunday time of worship includes words and music from our Central Wired Praise Team led by Franklin Smith, and a communion meditation by Terry Blaschke. Thanks for listening and… Shalom!
- Feb 12, 20172-12-17 REBELLION SUN
Feb 12, 20172-12-17 REBELLION SUNBy: Don ThomasSeries: In Your Eyes"And the people did what was right in their own eyes..." Join us as Pastor Don takes us on a journey through the book of Judges. "Rebellion comes from selfishness." We must listen to His Promises and trust in our living GOD! He is our True North! This incredible Sunday time of worship includes words and music from our Central Wired Praise Team, and a communion meditation by Grant Wagner. Thanks for listening and… Shalom!
- Feb 5, 20172-5-17 WHAT IF?
Feb 5, 20172-5-17 WHAT IF?By: Franklin SmithSeries: if"What if we believed that God was for us in every way imaginable?" Join us as Pastor Franklin looks at Romans 8 and the power of "if"! When we understand that NOTHING can separate us from the love of God then we see that He is for us! "If HE LOVES YOU, then HE"S FOR YOU!" What is your "what-if" and how do you intend to use opportunity for the Kingdom? This incredible Sunday time of worship includes words and music from our Central Wired Praise Team, and a communion meditation by Tom Banks. Thanks for listening and… Shalom!
- Jan 29, 2017IF #opportunity 1-29-17
Jan 29, 2017IF #opportunity 1-29-17By: Franklin SmithSeries: if"What if we believed that God was for us in every way imaginable?" Join us as Pastor Franklin looks at Romans 8 and the power of "if"! "We go ALL IN not to receive God's grace, but in response to it!" When we know that God is for us and we seek Him first our opportunities become Kingdom opportunities! This incredible Sunday time of worship includes words and music from our Central Wired Praise Team, special music by Jenn Poyer, and a communion meditation by Jef Firestone. Thanks for listening and… Shalom!
- Jan 22, 20171-22-17 2020VISION
Jan 22, 20171-22-17 2020VISIONBy: Don ThomasSeries: CentralWired"Let's show Portales we have changed!" Join us as Pastor Don looks at our 2020 VISION. Zig Ziglar says, "If you aim at nothing, you'll hit it every time!" We have a plan and our plan is to change the atmosphere in Portales and expand the KINGDOM! This incredible Sunday time of worship includes words and music from our Central Wired Praise Team, and a communion meditation by Wes Weems. Thanks for listening and… Shalom!
- Jan 15, 20171-15-17 LOOPHOLES
Jan 15, 20171-15-17 LOOPHOLESBy: Don ThomasSeries: CentralWired"It's more than what you DO... it's how you THINK!" Join us as Pastor Don looks at loopholes. John Maxwell says, "Most people are more comfortable with old problems that they are with new solutions!" We should quit worrying about what SHOULD be done and think about what COULD be done! Kingdom thinking is different than world thinking! This incredible Sunday time of worship includes words and music from our Central Wired Praise Team, and a communion meditation by Dan Sickles. Thanks for listening and… Shalom!
- Jan 8, 20171-8-17 SHAKEN
Jan 8, 20171-8-17 SHAKENBy: Don ThomasSeries: CentralWired"How do you praise Him in the storm?" Join us as Pastor Don shares how God should be bigger than our circumstances! "God wants us living in Hope, not despair! Maybe what we need more than WHAT or WHY is WHO!" We must keep our fix our eyes on God and not our storms! This incredible Sunday time of worship includes words and music from our Central Wired Praise Team, and a communion meditation by Travis Hardin. Thanks for listening and… Shalom!