Aug 28, 2016
Pitch Your Tent in the Land of Hope 8-28-16
"Don't let your circumstances determine where you dwell!"  Join us as Pastor Franklin shares a powerful message of "pitching our tent in the land of hope!"  We see that "hope in the Lord is the confident expectation of God's blessing in this life and the life to come based upon His goodness and promises of God...  It is the anchor that roots and fixes us!" This incredible Sunday time of worship includes words and music from our Central Wired Praise Team and a communion meditation by Don Thomas.  Thanks for listening and…  Shalom!
  • Aug 28, 2016Pitch Your Tent in the Land of Hope 8-28-16
    Aug 28, 2016
    Pitch Your Tent in the Land of Hope 8-28-16
    "Don't let your circumstances determine where you dwell!"  Join us as Pastor Franklin shares a powerful message of "pitching our tent in the land of hope!"  We see that "hope in the Lord is the confident expectation of God's blessing in this life and the life to come based upon His goodness and promises of God...  It is the anchor that roots and fixes us!" This incredible Sunday time of worship includes words and music from our Central Wired Praise Team and a communion meditation by Don Thomas.  Thanks for listening and…  Shalom!
  • Aug 21, 2016#Interruptions 8-21-16
    Aug 21, 2016
    #Interruptions 8-21-16
    "We don't see things how they are... we see things as WE are!"  Join us as Pastor Don shares a powerful message of interruptions.  Bonhoeffer said, "We must be ready to allow ourselves to be interrupted by God!"  What is God doing in your life to change you?  Is He preparing you for something big?  And, are you listening to His Voice?  This incredible Sunday time of worship includes words and music from our Central Wired Praise Team, led by Franklin Smith and a communion meditation by Wes Weems.  Thanks for listening and…  Shalom!
  • Aug 14, 20168-14-16 Heart of the Matter
    Aug 14, 2016
    8-14-16 Heart of the Matter
    "Don't follow your heart... lead it to Christ!"  Join us as Pastor Don shares a powerful message of trusting in HIS WORD!  The heart is not very discerning, but it can be discipled!  We must choose to listen to God's Word and not ours!  We must train our hearts as we listen to His leading!  This incredible Sunday time of worship includes words and music from our Central Wired Praise Team, led by Don Thomas and a communion meditation by Tom Banks.  Thanks for listening and…  Shalom!
  • Aug 7, 20168-7-16 Overwhelming Grace
    Aug 7, 2016
    8-7-16 Overwhelming Grace
    "God's grace is overwhelming to the unworthy; but it is offensive to the entitled!"  Join us as Pastor Don shares a powerful message of grace!  In the Kingdom Economy it's not based on how much you've done...  it's based on overwhelming grace!  And the story of Joseph shows that what others intended for harm God intends for good!  Choose to forgive...  not an emotion, a CHOICE!  This incredible Sunday time of worship includes words and music from our Central Wired Praise Team, led by Don Thomas and a communion meditation by Jack Willis.  Thanks for listening and…  Shalom!
  • Jul 31, 2016Forgiveness 7-31-16
    Jul 31, 2016
    Forgiveness 7-31-16
    "Until we understand what He has done for us...  we will continue to MISUNDERSTAND forgiveness!"  Join us as Pastor Don shares a powerful message of forgiveness!  His pattern will change OUR patterns and habits.  Focus on how HE has forgiven you.  Admit where bitterness has HARBORED in you.  Choose to forgive...  not an emotion, a CHOICE!  This incredible Sunday time of worship includes words and music from our Central Wired Praise Team, led by Franklin Smith and a communion meditation by Jef Firestone.  Thanks for listening and…  Shalom!
  • Jul 10, 2016Healing and Sowing Seed – 7-10-16
    Jul 10, 2016
    Healing and Sowing Seed – 7-10-16
    "What business do we have with each other, Jesus?"  Join us as Terry Blaschke shares the story of the healing of the demoniac!  Jesus' power knows no bounds!  Sometimes we try so hard to look the part when Jesus wants to change us for His Glory!  All the healed demoniac needed was Jesus in order to speak boldly for HIM!  When we share what God has done in our lives, we allow His light to shine brightly though us!  This incredible Sunday time of worship includes words and music from our Central Wired Praise Team, led by Bailey Thompson-Garcia and a communion meditation by Glenn Johnson.  Thanks for listening and…  Shalom!
  • Jul 3, 2016Another Day in Paradise 7-3-16
    Jul 3, 2016
    Another Day in Paradise 7-3-16
    "Who is my neighbor?"  Join us as Pastor Dons shares L1 and L2!  Love God and Love Others!!!  We see that "where there is no way, YOU make a way!"  And, when we allow God to shine through us, we become ordinary servants in the hands of an extraordinary God!  This incredible Sunday time of worship includes words and music from our Central Wired Praise Team, led by Franklin Smith and a communion meditation by Don Thomas.  Thanks for listening and…  Shalom!
  • Jun 26, 20166-26-16 Valley of Dry Bones
    Jun 26, 2016
    6-26-16 Valley of Dry Bones
    "Can these bones LIVE?"  Join us as Pastor Dons tells a powerful story of restoration through the valley of dry bones!  "Everything changes when God gets involved!"  Our Hope is built on Jesus, our Cornerstone!  "And God shows up when and where we least expect it!"  This incredible Sunday time of worship includes words and music from our Central Wired Praise Team, led by Franklin Smith and a communion meditation by Jef Firestone.  Thanks for listening and…  Shalom!
  • Jun 19, 20166-19-16 Happy Father’s Day
    Jun 19, 2016
    6-19-16 Happy Father’s Day
    "The nature of promises is that they are IMMUNE to changing circumstances!"  Join us as Pastor Dons tells a powerful story of grace through David and Mephibosheth!  We see that GRACE defines us, not our actions!  In Christ we are made new and we walk in the newness of life.  "Let us become more aware of Your Presence!"  This incredible Sunday time of worship includes words and music from our Central Wired Praise Team, led by Franklin Smith and a communion meditation by Don Thomas.  Thanks for listening and…  Shalom!
  • Jun 12, 20166-12-16 Let’s Make A Deal!
    Jun 12, 2016
    6-12-16 Let’s Make A Deal!
    "What God does THROUGH you, He must do IN you first!"  Join us as Pastor Franklin talks about the GREAT EXCHANGE.  God looks at the heart, the true measure of who we are and wants to give us a heart of flesh and take our heart of stone!  "The Kingdom of God begins as an inside job."  Let Him change us from the inside-out all for our good and His Glory!  This incredible Sunday time of worship includes words and music from our Central Wired Praise Team, led by Franklin Smith.  Thanks for listening and…  Shalom!