Feb 2, 2014
Obstacles to Grace
By: Don Thomas
Series: Grace That Amazes!
What is holding you back from living in GRACE? What does it really look like to "flesh out" this Grace stuff? Don takes us to Paul's "thorn in the flesh" to talk about how we can shine God's mercy through our struggles! Included in this is a powerful communion meditation by John Bridges, and a great song from "Citizen Way" called "How Sweet The Sound", as well as worship music from Central Wired Praise! May you be encouraged to get rid of the barriers to you walking in grace! Shalom!
- Feb 2, 2014Obstacles to Grace
Feb 2, 2014Obstacles to GraceBy: Don ThomasSeries: Grace That Amazes!What is holding you back from living in GRACE? What does it really look like to "flesh out" this Grace stuff? Don takes us to Paul's "thorn in the flesh" to talk about how we can shine God's mercy through our struggles! Included in this is a powerful communion meditation by John Bridges, and a great song from "Citizen Way" called "How Sweet The Sound", as well as worship music from Central Wired Praise! May you be encouraged to get rid of the barriers to you walking in grace! Shalom!
- Jan 26, 2014The GIFT of Grace!
Jan 26, 2014The GIFT of Grace!By: Don ThomasSeries: Grace That Amazes!If you GET the Gift of Grace...what do you do with it? Don takes us to the Parable of the Unforgiving Debtor...and challenges us to not only RECEIVE grace...but to give it to someone this week! Is there someone in YOUR life that needs a little grace? Included in this podcast is INCREDIBLE music from Central Wired Praise and an inspiring Communion Meditation by Roy Buckley. As you listen today, may God put on your heart a desire to GIVE the Gift of Grace to someone in your life this week! Shalom!
- Jan 19, 2014Grace That Amazes #1
Jan 19, 2014Grace That Amazes #1By: Don ThomasSeries: Grace That Amazes!What IS this "Grace" stuff...and how does it affect me? Don starts a series on the impact of GRACE in our lives and how it will change us! Included in this podcast is Communion Meditation by Buck Wilson and music from Central Wired Praise! May you really GET God's Grace...and may it get YOU! Shalom!
- Jan 12, 2014ALL FIRED UP!
Jan 12, 2014ALL FIRED UP!By: Don ThomasSeries: Everyday Living...for JESUS!Why are revivals so often "Short Lived?" Don takes us to I Kings 18 and the story of Elijah and the Prophets of Baal to help us get a glimpse of how our Faith Journey sometimes has really powerful times of closeness to God and other times where Spiritual Lethargy takes over. This story gives us great hope and the sermon thoughts are practical and challenging. Included in this podcast is Communion Meditation by Chek Rippee and music from Central Wired Praise. May you draw close to the Father...and may HE help you to stay on fire for God! Shalom!
- Jan 5, 201420/20 VISION…Do You Have It?
Jan 5, 201420/20 VISION…Do You Have It?By: Don ThomasSeries: Everyday Living...for JESUS!Scripture encourages us that "without vision, the people perish!" As we begin 2014, Don challenges us with 10 points of things that Central Christian WILL do before the year 2020, just 6 short years away. Some of these are very big dreams and are going to require a great deal of work, but with God's leading, we will "Follow the Presence of Yahweh" and He will make the path clear! Included in this is uplifting music from Central Wired Praise, and an inspiring Communion Devotional from Chad Beach! Our hope is that 2014 is your best year ever...and that God continues to lead this church into HIS likeness! Shalom
- Dec 29, 2013The Call To Remember
Dec 29, 2013The Call To RememberBy: Don ThomasSeries: Everyday Living...for JESUS!"Mary cherished these things in her heart..."-SHE REMEMBERED! As 2013 comes to a close, Don challenges us to REMEMBER all that God has done for us individually...AND collectively here at Central! The teaching comes from Deuteronomy 8, and challenges us to not worship other idols ("Our choices REVEAL our gods!") and to remember that all we have is from him! The study concludes with a powerful time of Communion with a song called "Remembrance!" May you be encouraged to "cherish" all God has done for you! Shalom!
- Dec 22, 2013The Heaviest Christmas Ever!
Dec 22, 2013The Heaviest Christmas Ever!By: Don ThomasSeries: Everyday Living...for JESUS!From the Hebrew, "glory" translates as "weight", and Don uses this study time to propose this statement: Earth has a WEIGHT problem, and we're not talking about "pounds!" We put GLORY and WEIGHT on things that don't deserve glory and can't handle the weight! We stress during the holidays about things that don't matter! And we miss a powerful lesson from those shepherds in the field-"An Angel of the Lord appeared to them and the GLORY of the Lord shone all around them!" Included in this study is some encouraging music from Central Wired Praise, and a very special communion mediation from Jack Willis. May this Christmas be the HEAVIEST you've ever had, because you chose to put the Glory where it belongs! Shalom
- Dec 15, 2013Who’s Your Daddy?
Dec 15, 2013Who’s Your Daddy?By: Don ThomasSeries: Everyday Living...for JESUS!Knowing where you come from, can change where you are going! Don takes a look at Galatians 3:26-4:7 where Paul tells us that we were once SLAVES, but that our Father has ADOPTED us into His Family! As we look at how "adoption" works and how much it takes to make that move in a family, it makes us keenly aware of what a "Beloved Child of God" we really are! Included on this podcast is a very special communion meditation from Chek Rippee and music from Central Wired Praise! Shalom...and may you KNOW your Daddy...and know how MUCH He loves you!
- Dec 8, 2013No Average Joe-PROMOTED!
Dec 8, 2013No Average Joe-PROMOTED!By: Don ThomasIs God GOOD...when life isn't? We know He is...but do we LIVE like God is Good, even when our circumstances aren't? Don concludes the "No Average Joe" series by looking at how Joseph is returned to power and how he honors God...even in difficult situations. Included in this is worship from Central Wired Praise and a powerful Communion Meditation from John Bridges. May you be encouraged by the life of Joseph...and may your CHOICES reveal your GOD! Shalom
- Nov 17, 2013No Average Joe-TESTED
Nov 17, 2013No Average Joe-TESTEDBy: Don Thomas"OUR CHOICES REVEAL OUR GODS..." Don uses this statement to help us as we delve more into the life of Joseph. When he was tempted and tested, Joseph revealed who REALLY was Lord of his life. How do WE respond to temptation? Are there temptations that are going on in our life right now that we don't see? Dig into Genesis 39 and see lessons from the life of Joseph. Included in this podcast is music from Central Wired Praise! Enjoy...and Shalom!