Something Don’d on Me! “thou shall not steal.”

I read a story about Abraham Lincoln-before he was President Lincoln, and was just a simple shopkeeper. The story said, that one particular snowy night, he walked 5 miles to return 6 coins to a lady that he had overcharged in his New Salem, Illinois, country store. 78 years later, they stamped his face on the first Lincoln penny…and we still use them today. Allegedly, that was the beginning of the moniker “Honest Abe”.
Why such a big deal over a few coins? Did it really matter? Was it THAT much of a financial error? The story is really a description of the character of Lincoln, not the six coins. The value of his honesty was worth MUCH more than some pennies. It doesn’t really matter how much or how little you take, stealing is WRONG. “But Don…it wasn’t really STEALING…it was just an error!” Well you may be correct…but Abe viewed it differently…and so should WE!
I looked up the 8th Commandment in 26 Different Bible Translations…and they all said almost the same thing: “Do not steal.” Some had it in four words: “Thou shalt not steal.” Some had it in two words: “No stealing.” But there wasn’t a lot of translational differences…don’t do it!(Sometimes we try to second-guess God and the Hebrew language…not a lot of grey area on this one!)
“But Don…I’m not a thief! I haven’t robbed a bank! I haven’t shoplifted at Walmart! I don’t even take more than 2 pennies from the little tray at Allsups!” I would TOTALLY accept your defense of the accusation and doubt that you are much of a Frank Abagnale Jr. (He was a big time thief-Leonardo DiCaprio played him in “Catch Me If You Can”) But can this command be examined a tad deeper??
Have you robbed from ANYONE? Maybe you didn’t take their property…but have you stolen in different ways? Have you stolen money by not repaying your debts? The Bible says if you have a debt, PAY IT. Have you stolen time from your employer-a little longer lunches and a little more time on Facebook than on getting work done? Have you stolen someone’s ideas? Did someone have an idea that you passed off as your own? When God says “Don’t Steal”, I think He is referring to MORE than just money!
Have you robbed from God? God CALLS us to tithe. He challenges us to try to OUT-GIVE Him! And more than that…He calls us to FIRST FRUITS! Are you truly setting Him in First Position on your bill paying? (Check out Malachi 3:8-10 if you need a refresher on this subject!) This is NOT about “the church wants my money!” Giving is a FORM of WORSHIP…it is a part of our covenant with God. And it feels BETTER when you honor Him correctly, I promise!
Are you a person of CHARACTER? Does “Character Really Count?” I’ve found it ironic that we encourage programs like that (Character Counts) in our schools, but rarely challenge us as Adults to make our Character Matter! I’m not saying we all have to walk 5 miles to pay someone 6 cents. I’m encouraging you to take a long look in the mirror, and ask yourself…Are there places in my life where I am stealing? And if the answer is yes…make YOUR character count!
Almighty God, Forgive me for the many times I’ve stolen time from You, money from You, adoration from You…and made it about me. Show me the flaws in my character this week and help me to put YOU in First Position in EVERY part of my life! In Jesus Name, Amen
Shalom Alachiem (Peace Be Unto You),