Let Me Be Frank… wait on the Lord

14 Wait for the LORD; be strong, and let your heart take courage;
wait for the LORD!
Psalm 27:14

Does it take courage to manage this holiday season?  After all, the holidays can be difficult.  Trying to manage relationships.  Wishing there were more time.  An empty chair where a beloved member of the family sat.  Putting up ornaments as almost empty nesters.  Hoping your kids call and talk for just a little while.
When we think of courage, we may think of burning buildings, skydiving, or beating cancer.  “They are courageous… I don’t think I could do what they did.  I’m not that brave.”
In his book David and Goliath, Malcom Gladwell writes, “Courage is not something that you already have that makes you brave when the tough times start. Courage is what you earn when you’ve been through the tough times, and you discover they aren’t so tough after all.” 
I love the quote, but I want to add Jesus to it :0).  In The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, the crew is terrified as the Darkness looms.  Their ship moves closer and closer, and fear overtakes them.  Lucy hears the voice of Aslan.  He says, “Courage, dear heart” and that’s all she needed to hear.
Courage is what you earn when you go through hard times and come out the other side.  It’s built in the waiting.  The Hebrew word for wait is qāvâ.  It means to hope for, but it also means to bind together – like a rope.  As the rope twists and stretches, there is tension in the line.  This tension brings us to courage.  Waiting in the Lord and continuing to be faithful in the journey takes courage.  Praying in the darkness and waiting for an answer takes courage.  Finding joy in the little things while missing a huge part of your life takes courage.
Courage is what you earn, but when we wait for the Lord it’s God-given.  What we thought would destroy us, only strengthened our faith in Him.
So many years ago, Jesus was born.  Emmanuel – God with us.  Before He died and was resurrected, He told His buddies, “Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you.” (John 16:7)
Are you broken?  Take courage.  Are you overwhelmed?  Take courage.  Do you feel like you can’t go on?  Take courage. 
“Courage, dear heart.”  I pray those words ring in your soul this Christmas.  I pray that, in the waiting, you meet Holy Spirit in a powerful and illuminating way.  Emmanuel – God with us.  Wait on the Lord today and be strengthened in hope…  He is faithful. 
Soli Deo Gloria!
F –