Something Don’d on Me! 5-27-20

“Where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them” Matthew 18:20
I cannot wait for everyone to be able to worship together again! I miss your faces, your voices, your laughter…we all thrive on corporate worship. But can we be growing in this time of only a few gathering together? I believe that as our group size has shrunk, our opportunities to DISCIPLE others has grown! And let’s remember-Jesus never told us to “go invite people to Church”…He told us to “Go MAKE DISCIPLES!”
I love seeing the pictures of your family setting together on the couch watching our Online Services! It’s FINE that you’re in your pajamas! It’s fantastic that the dog is there on the floor! And it’s perfectly fine that the kids have their coloring books or their favorite IronMan or Lego toy with them! When you are GATHERING them together, you are TEACHING a core value: CORPORATE WORSHIP=TOGETHERNESS! That kind of learning will never come from a Pulpit or a Book…they are seeing it in your parenting! THANK YOU to all of you who KEEP doing this! You are planting strong seeds in those children!
And many of you have been reaching out to include others in a more intentional way! THANK YOU! So many have been writing cards, sending texts and working to provide connection for those that might feel isolated and left out! THANK YOU! That’s Discipling! That’s involving yourself in another’s life! Make sure you are looking out for neighbors, for those single mom’s, for those that are older and are struggling. A little “chatting at the fence” can go a LONG way in keeping those vulnerable banded together! When you SHOW them love and connection with your life…you are showing them JESUS!
We ALL need meaningful connections, reminders of God’s promises, and a chance to breathe and laugh—in this season as much as ever. REMEMBER: God’s church has often thrived in times of crisis. It seems that the more the Church is pushed down…the more we GROW! We have done so in part because every Christian is filled with the Spirit of God, and God has given each of us his written Word. God has always worked through everyday people. And in this season when only a few people can gather in person, we must remember the deep hope we have that surpasses any season and any ministry philosophy.

May we ALL go “MAKE DISCIPLES”…even if it’s just a few of us together!
Shalom Alachiem!