Let Me Be Frank… the reflex

17 Pray without ceasing.
1 Thessalonians 5:17

Reflex – something that you do automatically and without thinking, as a habit or as a reaction to something.
Why do we yawn?  According to a NY Times article, “Until about 30 years ago, scientists explained yawning as a way for the body to take in a large amount of air in order to increase oxygen levels in the blood in response to oxygen deprivation.”  Studies in 1987 disproved that hypothesis, but we still don’t really know.  There are rabbit trails to be had here, my friends.  Feel free to explore the possibilities of why we yawn.
How about contagious yawning?  You see someone yawn in a public place and you do the same.  Pretty soon everyone seems to be yawning, one after another.  This is from Medical News Today, “One of the most common theories is that contagious yawning is a sign of empathy for others. Seeing a person yawn may cause the viewer to yawn, especially if they are close to or comfortable with that person.”
Empathy.  Compassion.  Kindness is contagious.  So is anger, sometimes.
What happens when things aren’t going your way?  One thing after another and you’re praying for something, anything to change.  All you need is a win.  What’s your reflex – the thing you do automatically and without thinking?  What’s mine?  I hate to say it, but it’s probably not empathy or peace for me.
How does that change?  Thessalonica was a prominent city in Macedonia.  Paul and Silas went there to preach and after three weeks, Thessalonian Jews formed a mob to run them out of town.  There were a few that believed – and that started the church.  The mob followed them to Berea and tried to stir up trouble there.  That must have been hard for Paul.  He wanted to stay longer to minister.  His final instructions in his first letter are a handbook of living in hostility, extending compassion, and relying on God.
Our reflex may be automatic, but I believe we can change it.  How do we do that?  Let me sum up Paul’s final thoughts in that letter.
Rejoice always.  Pray without ceasing.  Give thanks.  REPEAT
We can make a change.  The road may be difficult, but we do not walk alone.  A dear friend of mine struggles with anger (so do I).  He’s different now.  It’s because of Jesus.  Be honest with yourself… how’s your headspace?  How’s your heart?  What’s your reflex?  Eyes on Jesus.  Rejoice, pray, give thanks.  REPEAT
May we be aware of His Presence.
Soli Deo Gloria!
F –

Something Don’d on Me! (pray)

“Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.” James 5:16

It was just 6 simple words…but those words absolutely changed my day.
It’s been challenging lately with the shutdown and not able to do/go where I want. And now that kids have started school, I’ve been working from home some to help with that. A particular day last week seemed to be overwhelming me-I was stressed and behind and was really feeling overwhelmed. And then my phone dinged. It was a message from a friend of mine-asking how my Dad was doing after a recent fall. We chatted for a minute, and then he said these words: “How can I pray for you?”
A simple question.
But with a life-altering application.
The privilege of praying FOR our friends and neighbors is one, I feel many Christ-followers have missed! It’s not a drudgery or a “job”…it’s a JOY! But the simple act of ASKING that question, did so much to lift my Spirits! Is there someone around YOU for which you could pray? Is there someone around YOU that needs to hear this question?
Ask this question! Ask it a lot! And then ask it some more! When you DO, it alters how YOU approach your life! And it benefits the recipient! It’s a true WIN-WIN situation! When they give you things to pray for…DO IT! Don’t just “Say” you’ll pray for them…really, actually, honestly…PRAY FOR THEM!

Then, when someone asks it of you…ANSWER THEM! Be specific! Be transparent! Share what struggles are stressing you the most right now! Be honest about anxiety or fear or frustrations that have you rattled. The freedom of releasing a burden to the avenue of prayer is truly sweet!
So here’s your challenge: Ask that question of five people this week! Then actually pray for those five people! You’ll be glad you did!
Shalom-May His Peace Be Upon Your Home and Family!  