Let Me Be Frank… lifter of my head

But you, O Lord, are a shield about me,
    my glory, and the lifter of my head.
Psalm 3:3 (ESV)

I went through the Tabernacle Experience again with Marea, but I didn’t touch the mp3 player this time.  Seemed to work fine when I didn’t mess with it :0)
We listened to the youth version as narrated by Samuel.  Samuel was dedicated to the Lord by Hannah who prayed through tears that God would grant her a son.  God answered her prayer.  His name, Samuel, sounds like the Hebrew for “heard by God.”
As Samuel led us through the experience, there was a lady in front of us.  She seemed to be taking in the experience at her own pace and letting the atmosphere and the words sink in.  We passed by her at the Bread of the Presence and continued to work our way through.
She was behind us the whole time.  She was next to go into the Holy of Holies to experience the mercy seat.  I never saw her again. 
I’ve thought about her off and on for the last couple of days.  Why didn’t she go past the curtain?  Why did she stop short?  I don’t know the answer to these questions, but it caused me to ask others.
How many people grow up in the church (like Samuel) but never fully believe that Jesus died for them?  They think they have to be good enough to die for…  Do you believe the lie that God wants you to clean up before you approach the throne room? 
Jesus came for those who need Him the most and those who think they need Him the least.  He came for the ones that think being good is good enough and for those who hang their heads in shame.
Jesus Christ is the lifter of your head.  As someone who has struggled with the shame of my past that is huge.  Imagine Jesus standing before you and your head is bowed low… not out of reverence, but out of insignificance.  You shouldn’t even be here. 
But Jesus doesn’t say a word.  He takes His hand and lifts your chin.  He looks deeply into your eyes, wet with tears, and says, “I came for you, too.  I died for you, too.  You matter to me.”
Our God is the same God.  Powerful, intimate, worthy, strong, and relentlessly pursuing our hearts.
May hope abound today.
Soli Deo Gloria!
F –

Something Don’d on Me! practice makes improvement

Proverbs 4:25-26- “Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you. Ponder the path of your feet; then all your ways will be sure.”

In a communion meditation a few weeks ago, Jeremy Berry was challenging us with “Finish the Phrase…” He asked us several…but one stuck with me: “PRACTICE MAKES __________”. Most of the audience said, “Practice makes PERFECT”, but he said, no: Practice Makes IMPROVEMENT. I had to write that down immediately…and it’s been staring at me on my desk since then!
In what area of your faith walk are you seeing IMPROVEMENT? Maybe the question that should be asked PRIOR to that is this: “In what area of your faith walk do you NEED TO SEE improvement?” I think that’s an incredible question! So many of us want our Faith to GROW…but we don’t make PLANS to grow it!We just blindly go about our business “hoping” for this magical expansion of our Faith! Have we made a PLAN to grow our faith???
What HABITS are you developing to grow your faith? We have Weekly Reading Plans available on the YouVersion Bible App-have you subscribed? If you’ve subscribed…HAVE YOU USED IT??? The “Word for Today” Daily Devotional book is available in our Welcome Center and through email…are you using THAT? Maybe you’ve heard God challenge you to have a more consistent PRAYER time…or a better habit of Giving…or maybe you’ve even felt a tug to Fast over your choices? Hearing about those is great…but FAITH isn’t really FAITH until it is DEMONSTRATED! Faith=putting your hearing and your teaching and your habits INTO PRACTICE!
“Ponder the path of your feet”– that Proverb tells us to think about the steps we are taking. You’re constantly pondering your career path…or the college plans you have…or your relationship goals. Are you pondering the path of YOUR FAITH? I’d like to challenge you TODAY, to make a plan to grow your Habits of Faith! Set aside time to read. Sit in your closet and pray. Put God first in your finances and in your friendships…and see what happens!! PRACTICE your Faith… and watch the improvement you see in your daily Walk!
Shalom, Don

Let Me Be Frank… disciples

14 I myself am convinced, my brothers and sisters, that you yourselves are full of goodness, filled with knowledge and competent to instruct one another. 
Romans 15:14

What does it look like to disciple others?  Many of us may be worried we’ll say the wrong thing or do the wrong thing and the opportunity will be lost.  In this world of microwave immediacy, discipleship looks more like a crock pot.  Let me explain.

We’ve had Yeager since he was a puppy.  When he was little, he would move away the instant I started pouring water into the metal bowl we’ve used forever.  If I wasn’t careful the water would splash all over the place and apparently Yeager has a “wet dog” thing that he doesn’t like.

Just this week, I filled his bowl like I had done many times before.  Caden takes care of Yeager now for the most part, but I still chip in now and then.  I started to pour, and Yeager stayed.  He didn’t move.  The water bounced off the metal base and a couple of sprays hit him just a little.  Still, he stayed.

I think this is what discipleship looks like.  A life of consistency walking with others.  Pouring into their lives.  Asking them about their kids.  Crying with them when they hurt and cheering when they win.  Consistency breeds confidence.

We all have someone that we have considered inviting to church.  Maybe even sharing the gospel with them during a hard time.  If you’ve truly walked with them, they’ll stay for the conversation.  They know your heart and your words have weight.  The sprays of water (conviction) may hit them, but they won’t move.  They’ll stay.  They’ll stay because they know you are invested in them.

Are you worried about how someone will respond to your faith?  If you are living your faith, then they’ve already seen it.  They’ve already seen the transformation happening even more than you do.  Trust the Holy Spirit to give you the right time to say the right words.  And don’t be afraid to ask a question and listen.  You stay too.

I’m convinced, even if you aren’t, that you are filled with goodness and competent to instruct.  And I see you pouring into others as you walk with them.  As you pour, be reminded that they aren’t going anywhere.  Consistency breeds confidence. 

Be confident in the Lord and share His love today.  Can’t wait to share with you this weekend!

Soli Deo Gloria!
F –

Something Don’d on Me! “keep the Sabbath”

 “Remember to observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. You have six days each week for your ordinary work, 10 but the seventh day is a Sabbath day of rest dedicated to the Lord your God. On that day no one in your household may do any work. This includes you, your sons and daughters, your male and female servants, your livestock, and any foreigners living among you. 11 For in six days the Lord made the heavens, the earth, the sea, and everything in them; but on the seventh day he rested. That is why the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and set it apart as holy.” Exodus 20:8-11

Have you ever watched your kids fight sleep?  “No Dad…I’m NOT tired!” As the yawns cross their face and their eyelids fall heavy…but they’re NOT tired!!! They can whine and cry…they can even run and MAKE themselves not fall asleep. But a good parent will MAKE their child get rest! Even in Psalm 23, the writer uses an interesting word in the middle of that famous poem: “He MAKES me lie down in green pastures.” If I’m a sheep…I should WANT to enjoy green grass…but the Good Shepherd will MAKE me lie down there.
God makes it a command to rest. But it’s very easy to FIGHT this command. We justify it- “I’ve got so much to do!” We minimize it- “I’m KEEPING the commandments-I don’t murder, I don’t steal-those are the big ones!” We even disagree with it-“That was written before we had the economy we have today…I HAVE to be working to compete with the big dogs!” But I don’t think God stuttered on this command.
Some of you are giggling while you read this, and are wondering if Don just copied this from somewhere else and never read it! Yes…I GET the irony of me writing about this-it’s NOT a command I obey very well. There-I said it. Yes…I struggle with this. And I’ve done ALL of the things in the last paragraph! I still think God MEANS for us to rest and breathe!
Sabbath is meant to STRENGTHEN us in our walk with Him! And it doesn’t mean “Saturday”-from the Hebrew it actually means “rest.” The PURPOSE of Sabbath is to allow you body and your brain and your family and your land and your animals…to rest. To breathe. To commune. It REFRESHES us-so that we can HEAR Him more! When we are running on the treadmill of life all day, all the time…we rarely hear the still, small voice of our Creator. He wants us to LISTEN for Him.
Much has been written about businesses like Hobby Lobby, Chik-Fil-A, and Mardels closing on Sunday. All of these corporations (and others) have stated the REASON for this is to allow employees to have family time and worship time. This is a BELIEF that they have…and it shows in their BEHAVIOR. Do you BELIEVE that God wants to speak to you and strengthen you?? Then prove it-give Him space to speak in your life!
A traditional greeting in Israel on Friday is “Shabbat Shalom”. As the ENTIRE country begins to gear down for the Sabbath day, people are finishing tasks. But frequently, you will hear this phrase in the stores and on the street. “Shabbat” means “Sabbath”…and “Shalom” means “Peace.” What they are saying to each other is “I hope you have a peaceful rest.” I wonder how much good that would do for OUR culture to truly follow the 4th Commandment? I wonder how much good it would do for YOU? Are you resting in God? Are you overwhelmed with the choices and stresses of your life? Maybe God is speaking to you while you are reading this, and He’s saying: “Slow down. Breathe. Let Me give you rest!”
I pray that you are listening. And I pray that you have a Shabbat Shalom-a peaceful rest.
Shalom Alachiem-Peace be unto you!

Let Me Be Frank… “He giveth more grace”

 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 
2 Corinthians 12:9

“We sing our prayers and pray our songs.”  Music is where emotion and reason collide… a beautiful synergy of lyrics that prompt deep thought and melody that provokes feeling.  To say it simply, “music hits deep.”

The hymns are a beautiful source of theology and rich in harmonies.  We sang one of my favorites last week and these words hit me right between the eyes…

“He Giveth More Grace”
by Annie Johnson Flint – (1866-1932)
He giveth more grace as the burdens grow greater,
He sendeth more strength as the labors increase,
To added afflictions He addeth His mercy,
To multiplied trials His multiplied peace.

His Love has no limit; His grace has no measure. His pow’r has no boundary known unto men. For out of His infinite riches in Jesus, He giveth, and giveth, and giveth again!

When we have exhausted our store of endurance,
When our strength has failed ere the day is half done,
When we reach the end of our hoarded resources,
Our Father’s full giving is only begun.

Annie Johnson lost both her parents by the age of six.  She and her sister were adopted by a local Christian couple, and she took the surname Flint.  She began teaching at the same little school where she was a student, as the symptoms of arthritis appeared.  And, as the symptoms worsened, her adopted parents both died within a few months of each other.  Her prognosis was dim… she would forever be at the mercy of others. 

What story do you tell?  Someone glancing at Annie’s history may prepare themselves for dark and depressing lyrics with little hope found inside.  Instead, I sit amazed at the power and depth of the study of grace.  So much pain and yet she speaks of the Lord’s unfailing love.  I wonder if these poems were an attempt to proclaim God’s grace to her heart when she felt her strength falter.  And, even now, her song proclaims God’s grace to us. 

Have you exhausted your store of endurance?  Have you reached the end of your hoarded resources?  I simply love that line.  We hoard because we try and save ourselves the only way we know how.  More.

There is a better way.  There is more strength, more love, more power, more hope, more peace, more mercy, more forgiveness, and more grace in Jesus Christ.  He giveth and giveth and giveth again.

We sing our prayers and pray our songs.

Soli Deo Gloria!
F –

Something Don’d on Me! “honor father and mother”

“Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.”
Exodus 20:12

As we continue our look at the Ten Commandments, it’s very easy to skip over some of the ones that may seem “easy.” I think we do that all too often with #5. To read “honor your father and mother” seems pretty straight forward and shouldn’t need that much discussion. But I think we MISS how foundational this statement really is…and how much it can affect our daily lives.
I am VERY thankful that I was raised by God-loving and God-fearing parents! I’m thankful that Suzanne had that blessing as well, and our children get to see their Grandparents attend Church, pray and put God first in their lives! If you have been BLESSED with Godly parents, take a moment to thank God for that, and if they are alive, call them or text them right now…tell them the impact that has on you today!
While I’m typing that…I realize that some who are reading this did NOT grow up in a Christian home. This command can be very touchy for you. I remember being a young minister and dealing with students from the Children’s Home. I loved sharing hope and good news with them, but I learned a valuable lesson one day. I was talking about “God is our Loving Father…He cares for you like a Father should!” When I said that, many eyes widen and heads dropped. To them, Dad was the guy that beat them. Dad was the guy that was drunk all the time. Dad left. They didn’t WANT God to be their Dad! So should we honor our parents if they WERE NOT Godly parents??
My answer? YES…because God says to do it.
We don’t have to approve of everything they have done. We don’t have to AGREE with everything they have done. But to honor a parent is a gift that you give them-not because they deserve it-but because God has challenged us to listen to HIM! It does NOT say “You don’t have to honor your parents if they weren’t nice.” It just says Honor them! Here’s a few ways that you can live out the 5th Commandment:
Forgive Them- Maybe the greatest gift you can give to parents is your forgiveness. Maybe they didn’t do everything right. Maybe they were under a lot of pressure. And maybe the outcome wasn’t what YOU wanted. Forgive them. Not because they asked for it, or deserve it…but because God has called you to do it.
Speak Well of Them- It’s very easy to BLAME in this world…what if you chose to speak kindly of your parents? Tim Keller said, “It’s respect for parents that is the basis for every other kind of respect and every other kind of authority.” It is far too easy in this culture to air our dirty laundry on Social Media and in so doing, dishonor people. The Bible says that the penalty for cursing parents is the same as assaulting them! (Check out Leviticus 20:9 or Exodus 21:17!) Choose your words kindly…and speak well of them!
Be There For Them- David is at a particularly low point in his life when he cries out to God in Psalm 71:9 to say, “Do not cast me away in the time of my old age.” Many in our church family are caring for parents that are aging and losing their independence. I can’t imagine what aging parents are feeling…but I can imagine that there is a fear of being alone! Shoot…at ANY age, we fear being left behind! You can honor your parents by just sitting with them, calling them, visiting with them…and certainly praying for them!
God is not calling you to honor parents because they’ve earned it. He’s calling us to honor our parents because HE HAS SAID SO! As we honor them…we honor HIM! And our Heavenly Father has most assuredly “earned” that! Take time to show honor to your parents today…and in so, you will bless God!
Baruch Hashem (Blessed Be His Name)

Let Me Be Frank… friends

16 We know what real love is because Jesus gave up His life for us. So, we also ought to give up our lives for our brothers and sisters. 
1 John 3:16 (NLT)

We started watching season 2 of “The Chosen” at the beginning of the new year.  I love the way they take great care with Scripture.  When watching it is important to remember, this is a dramatization and not a documentary.  The humor of Jesus, the background characters, the dynamic between the disciples – all of it is shaped by the Word of God and the creative minds of the production team.  If you haven’t tuned in, I would recommend it.
Have you ever heard a quote that just takes the wind out of you?  A different way of looking at the world, a paradigm shift, that causes you to reflect on your own life and the way you interact with others?  There is a quote in Season 2, Episode 2 that did just that for me.  Jesus is speaking to Phillip as Phillip is apologizing for his lateness because he was with friends.
“If we don’t make time for friends, we won’t have any.”
When we think about the passage where it says, “lay down our lives” our thoughts turn to our first responders and those who serve in the military.  After all, they are running to the battle and willingly laying down their lives for others.  We thank you for your service and your compassion.
But what if “laying down our lives” for others looks more like taking a step away from what we are doing to make space to reach out to a friend that is hurting?  Jesus gave His life on the cross for us, but He also gave His life, His time, His energy to His closest friends and band of brothers on this earth.  He made them feel like they were the only person in the room.  Come to think of it, He made everyone feel that way.  Can you imagine time stopping as He looked into the eyes of the woman with a hemorrhage (Mark 5:25-34) and called her “daughter” as the crowds pressed in on every side?  Jesus made time for others.  He was not busy, He was intentional.
Do you make time for your friends?  Do you text them when they come to your mind?  Do you have enough space in your schedule to drop what you are doing if someone needs you?  I’m not talking everyone, I’m talking someone.  Family is family, but we choose our friends.  Do the ones you have chosen know how you feel about them?  “If we don’t make time for our friends, we won’t have any.”  Reach out to your friends today and encourage them in the name of Jesus!
Lord, thank you for my friends.  Thank you for my circle that You have blessed me with.  Bring them to mind, help me to remember to reach out, to encourage, and to let them know that I am here.  We are called to make a difference where we are… help me to start with those closest to me.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 
Soli Deo Gloria!
F –

Something Don’d on Me! “thou shall not steal.”

I read a story about Abraham Lincoln-before he was President Lincoln, and was just a simple shopkeeper. The story said, that one particular snowy night, he walked 5 miles to return 6 coins to a lady that he had overcharged in his New Salem, Illinois, country store. 78 years later, they stamped his face on the first Lincoln penny…and we still use them today. Allegedly, that was the beginning of the moniker “Honest Abe”.
Why such a big deal over a few coins? Did it really matter? Was it THAT much of a financial error? The story is really a description of the character of Lincoln, not the six coins. The value of his honesty was worth MUCH more than some pennies. It doesn’t really matter how much or how little you take, stealing is WRONG. “But Don…it wasn’t really STEALING…it was just an error!” Well you may be correct…but Abe viewed it differently…and so should WE!
I looked up the 8th Commandment in 26 Different Bible Translations…and they all said almost the same thing: “Do not steal.” Some had it in four words: “Thou shalt not steal.” Some had it in two words: “No stealing.” But there wasn’t a lot of translational differences…don’t do it!(Sometimes we try to second-guess God and the Hebrew language…not a lot of grey area on this one!)
“But Don…I’m not a thief! I haven’t robbed a bank! I haven’t shoplifted at Walmart! I don’t even take more than 2 pennies from the little tray at Allsups!” I would TOTALLY accept your defense of the accusation and doubt that you are much of a Frank Abagnale Jr. (He was a big time thief-Leonardo DiCaprio played him in “Catch Me If You Can”) But can this command be examined a tad deeper??
Have you robbed from ANYONE? Maybe you didn’t take their property…but have you stolen in different ways? Have you stolen money by not repaying your debts? The Bible says if you have a debt, PAY IT. Have you stolen time from your employer-a little longer lunches and a little more time on Facebook than on getting work done? Have you stolen someone’s ideas? Did someone have an idea that you passed off as your own? When God says “Don’t Steal”, I think He is referring to MORE than just money!
Have you robbed from God? God CALLS us to tithe. He challenges us to try to OUT-GIVE Him! And more than that…He calls us to FIRST FRUITS! Are you truly setting Him in First Position on your bill paying? (Check out Malachi 3:8-10 if you need a refresher on this subject!) This is NOT about “the church wants my money!” Giving is a FORM of WORSHIP…it is a part of our covenant with God. And it feels BETTER when you honor Him correctly, I promise!
Are you a person of CHARACTER? Does “Character Really Count?” I’ve found it ironic that we encourage programs like that (Character Counts) in our schools, but rarely challenge us as Adults to make our Character Matter! I’m not saying we all have to walk 5 miles to pay someone 6 cents. I’m encouraging you to take a long look in the mirror, and ask yourself…Are there places in my life where I am stealing? And if the answer is yes…make YOUR character count!
Almighty God, Forgive me for the many times I’ve stolen time from You, money from You, adoration from You…and made it about me. Show me the flaws in my character this week and help me to put YOU in First Position in EVERY part of my life! In Jesus Name, Amen
Shalom Alachiem (Peace Be Unto You),

Let Me Be Frank… strongholds

For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does.The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 
2 Corinthians 10:3-4

According to the National Science Federation, the average person has between 12,000 and 60,000 thoughts a day.Of those, 80% are negative and 95% are repetitive.You may be thinking, “that can’t be right.Nope, that can’t be right.”See what I mean?!?
Let’s do a little more math.Say we have 12,000 thoughts a day… that means 9600 negative thoughts a day.So, essentially, that is one negative thought every 6 seconds of your waking day.Something needs to change.
I am not a glass half full kind of guy.But I also know the damage that negative self-talk has on my mental health.Am I resigned to live the rest of my days with negativity running the show?It doesn’t have to be this way for me or for you.We don’t have to let our circumstances dictate our emotions or response.
In 2 Corinthians, Paul is referring to the strongholds held by others he comes in contact with as he shares the Good News.He is able to demolish their broken way of thinking with divine power.Images of the armor of God immediately come to my mind – the belt of truth, the sword of the Spirit, the gospel shoes of peace, the helmet of salvation, the shield of faith, and the breastplate of righteousness – as Paul prepares for battle.
Paul says we do not wage war as the world does.And I think of the battle that rages inside me.My strongholds are meant to keep me trapped.They are meant to hold me back.So, my fight isn’t with the person next to me… it’s with me.
If I am to even have a shot at conquering the 80% negativity rate currently happening in my head, I have to take every thought captive.I have to tell a better story.If I fill my heart with words of truth, hope and love, there isn’t much room for anger, bitterness, and despair.If I “hide His words in my heart” (Psalm 119:11) then I will be ready and willing to demolish shame, guilt, and condemnation.The Lord is making something new in the midst of the rubble.But there is always action on our part as the Holy Spirit moves in our hearts.
Do you want to be healed?It’s a question Jesus asked.And, while it seems like common sense, it’s not as easy of an answer as one would think.Do you want to change your thinking?If you do, put on the armor of God, put His word inside your heart, and take every thought captive.This battle will not be won in a day, but it will be won.There is victory in Jesus.See the end of our story as Christians for what it is, hope everlasting.

Soli Deo Gloria!
F –

Something Don’d on Me! rescue

“You are my Helper and my Savior; O my God, please do not delay in rescuing me!”
Psalm 40:17

In 1923, Frederick Stanley Mockford was the Senior Radio Officer for the RAF at Croydon Airport in England. The majority of the traffic they saw was from small planes crossing the English Channel back and forth to France. Since 1909, the official distress call had been “S O S” using morse code but saying that phrase could be convoluted in different dialects. Mockford was concerned that people couldn’t understand if there was an emergency. He spent time trying different phrases and words…but nothing worked until he heard a French word: “M’adier” – when pronounced in French, it meant “HELP ME”. With a little work on the English side, the word became what we know today as “MAYDAY”.
It was immediately put to work and by 1927, the United States adopted “Mayday” as the official distress call. It has nothing to do with the May 1st holiday, but by 1931 was adopted worldwide. The proper format is to state the word three times: MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY… then state the name of the vessel and number and give any known coordinates or information out so that others may assist. The word is REPEATED, so that there is no mistaking the call. To make a false mayday call is a criminal offense in most countries of the world.
Rescue. Help. Drowning. Exhausted. Fuel is low. Energy is lost. Cannot go on. We ALL need rescue. We all need Help. And I’d be willing to bet you have felt like you are drowning, you are exhausted and you’re not sure you can go on.
The Psalmist David must have been there too, when he called out to God and said, “I waited patiently for the Lord to help me. He turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me up out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and mire. He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along.” (Psalm 40:1-3)
That’s why gather together to worship…because we need rescuing! That’s why we have Ladies Class or Connect Groups or Spectrum or Bacon Brothers…to re-fuel and re-energize! IN ANY LANGUAGE, God hears our cries of despair…and He is there! If you are exhausted and drowning, call out to Him…He’s ready to get your feet on firm soil!
When your troubles surround you, and the past won’t let you go…Cry out to Him. When the anxiety chases you every day & discouragement is your go to…Cry out to Him. REPEAT YOUR CRIES…He hears you, but make SURE that YOU HEAR YOU…and you KNOW that He is coming to rescue you! Because He cares for you…and He has not let you go!!
May this little thought be a reminder that YOU NEED RESCUE! Send your distress signal to Him-not to the bottle, or to your despair…but to the One who leaves the 99, to go after you! He’s THAT kind of Rescuer…and He will rescue YOU!
SHALOM ALACHIEM – Peace Upon Your Home, Don